North Ridge Subdivision Communication Plan

Project Team

Owner: Caliber

General Contractor: Waltz

Jurisdiction Town of Johnstown/CDOT Region 4


The North Ridge Subdivision is a 60 acre multiple use development in the town of Johnstown north of Hwy 402 and east of I-25 along the North Frontage. The development of the site includes public improvements including water, sewer and storm water combined with improvements to and along the frontage road. The improvements to the frontage road include grading, widening with curb and gutter, turn outs for future development, including safety improvements for ingress/egress off the frontage road and improved sight lines. The scope and complexity of the project will require temporary closure of the frontage road from the roundabout on LCR 18 (Hwy 402) to River Ranch Parkway.

The biggest part of this project is the full removal of the existing Frontage Road surface from River Ranch south approximately 1,600 feet to change the grade of the frontage road to enhance safety and increase sight lines for both north bound and south bound traffic. The frontage will be dropped approximately 5-8 feet in areas, widened with curb and gutter and 10 foot walk for increase safety and mobility.

In order to safely complete these improvements, the frontage road will need to be closed for 5-6 months. The closure allows for constructability in safe manner for the public and construction crews.


The proposed detour route will utilize I-25 as the preferred route. Traffic will be diverted at Hwy 402 on the south and River Ranch on the North. The detour north will take traffic thru the 2534 development via Ronald Reagan Blvd and Thompson River Ranch Blvd to Hwy 34.

Overall Schedule Duration

The closure will start Jan. 3rd 2023 until June 30, 2023


Should you have any questions or concerns please email us at or call us at 480.759.9622

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