
Waltz’s development team is skilled at providing our clients with a comprehensive approach to add value, mitigate risk, and enhance efficiency to each phase of the development process. Our depth of resources encompasses a multi-disciplined approach that allows us to meet the challenges and specific needs for all your development needs.

Architectural & Planning Services

The architecture and planning services by Waltz ultimately provides valuable insight into what can be done with a property. This starts with a professional review of development plans, public improvements, and infrastructure to achieve the projects purpose.

  • Opportunities and constraints analysis
  • Conceptual land use planning
  • Site-specific design
  • Entitlement processing and rezoning
  • Yield/feasibility studies
  • Preliminary grading design
  • Overall project coordination

Civil Engineering & Technical Studies

We connect core engineering services with specialty expertise to address the feasibility of each project. Our Civil team examines all conditions to ensure life safety and economic impacts.

  • Drainage Reports
  • Dry Utility Design & Coordination
  • Erosion and Sediment Control Plans & Studies
  • Grading & Earthwork Analysis
  • Hydrology & Hydraulic Modeling & Design
  • Infrastructure Master Planning
  • Parking Demand Studies & Parking Lot Design
  • Paving Analysis & Rehabilitation
  • Opinions of Probable Cost
  • Roadway Design
  • Site Demolition Plans, Site Design & Structural Design
  • Smart Infrastructure
  • Sustainable Site Design Opportunity Analysis
  • SWMP Reporting, Compliance and Auditing
  • Utility Infrastructure Design
  • Vehicle Circulation Analysis
  • Water, Sewer & Storm Sewer Design

Pro forma Review Service

After all required due diligence, Waltz will provide a detailed development pro forma based on the proposed project concept. The pro forma will include project hard costs, soft costs, and anticipated developer profit. The development pro forma may also include potential financing options.

Property Due Diligence

A key factor in ensuring feasibility in a project is the property due diligence. Waltz will work to identify and assess potential development risks and provide recommendations and timelines to resolve any findings in question. These due diligence services provide a detailed, defensible opinion of the asset with both short and long-term considerations.

  • Title Review
  • Environmental Report (Phase I)
  • Property Condition Assessment (PCA)
  • ALTA Survey
  • Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA)
  • Soils Report
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